Since the beginning of 2024, unfavorable points for African swine fever and animal rabies have been established on the territory of the Druzhkovsky urban territorial community.
Thanks to prompt actions, decisions have been taken to eliminate and prevent the spread of ASF and rabies.
The epizootic situation regarding rabies remains the most tense.
In February of this year, a positive diagnosis of rabies among stray animals was established on the territory of the Druzhkovsky city territorial community.
Taking into account the complexity of the whole situation, in order to localize the spread of the disease, prevent threats to the health and life of the population, the head of the Druzhkov city military administration decided to create a place for overexposure of stray animals (dogs). All work was carried out within 3 days, in addition, the capture and vaccination of animals against rabies was organized.
Currently, measures to eliminate hotbeds in disadvantaged areas are continuing.

Education: Master of Journalism, Television and Cinema (KOMU)
Main topics: Economics, Medicine, Society
In journalism: since 2001