I found it in my own apartment, where the military used to live — that’s how the Druzhkov resident explained to the police where he got the grenade from.
In the summer of 2024, a man with ammunition in his hands was detained by police when he drunkenly threatened physical violence to another citizen. Later, the defendant admitted his guilt and repented, and this helped him receive a less severe punishment.
The convicted person is a previously unsubstantiated employee of the Druzhkovsky municipal enterprise “Spectrum”.
In court, Alexander confirmed everything and repented. With this in mind, the judges released the man from punishment with a probation period of one year. Therefore, the person involved will remain at large, but must periodically visit law enforcement officers and inform them about a change in place of residence, work or study. Also, the convict was ordered to pay about 9 thousand hryvnia for the examination

Education: Master of Journalism, Television and Cinema (KOMU)
Main topics: Economics, Medicine, Society
In journalism: since 2001