Since April 24, 2024, the program has been implemented through the Charity Foundation “hands of friends”.
Residents of frontline communities living in areas of active military operations or at a distance of up to 70 km from this zone, as well as IDPs from the controlled territory of all of Ukraine, can apply for assistance at this stage.
Both categories should not receive funds from other international funds (Red Cross, Caritas, UNICEF, UN) in the last month.
Multi-purpose monetary assistance in the amount of UAH 6,660 per household member. Its purpose is to support vulnerable categories of the population and help them meet basic needs.
Apply here: (
After submitting your application, a specialist will contact you and inform you about further actions.

Education: Master of Journalism, Television and Cinema (KOMU)
Main topics: Economics, Medicine, Society
In journalism: since 2001