In preparation for the spring and summer period, municipal enterprises have begun measures to ensure the proper sanitary condition of the community territory.
KP Spektr carries out sanitary and molding pruning of trees and shrubs, cleaning of roads and sidewalks from estimates. In addition, the company’s employees personally grew seedlings of flowers for urban flower beds. Among the planned activities: landscaping of streets, squares and cemeteries, repair and renovation of playgrounds, benches, monuments, MAFS, opening and pruning of roses; planting flowers and tree seedlings and others.
KP “Komservice ” is planned to: paint, repair the plinths of apartment buildings; maintenance of roofs; closing windows in apartments and entrances of high-rise buildings; repair of entrance doors, steps to entrances and so on.
To improve the sanitary condition of the GCATP community, it is planned to carry out the removal of branches, fallen leaves, mown grass and estimates; identification and elimination of natural landfills, etc. Since the beginning of this year, the company has already eliminated 6 units of unauthorized landfills in the amount of 80 cubic meters.
Gorsvet is planning work on the prevention of control cabinets in the community; pruning branches through outdoor lighting networks and the like.

Education: Master of Journalism, Television and Cinema (KOMU)
Main topics: Economics, Medicine, Society
In journalism: since 2001